The stars in the video console world for me are would of course be the array of phone games that are offered right in the palm of your hand. Mainly because a lot of people, myself included just don't have the time to sit around in front of the TV playing video games for hours. But with the phone games we are free to play them while at work, on lunch breaks, and even sometimes while sitting at an extra long red light.
The cash cow in my opinion would be the new Xbox. Mainly because it connects your cable box into the system into the console so you can watch TV and do other things like check your email on the side bar. Plus like Dan Tennant from TopTenReviews stated "there’s something very relaxing about coming home after a day’s work, sitting down in front of the TV and turning it and your Xbox on with the simple voice command, “Xbox On.”
The question mark for me would be the Playstation 4. From what I've seen it doesn't have that many new perks that would make me want to upgrade from the 3. Not only that, but according to IGN " owners have also had to deal with recurring service problems. Sony’s new system is selling incredibly well, but still seems to be searching for that one magical exclusive game."
The dog of course is the Wii U...sorry guys, you lost us at the Wii...there's no coming back from that. Just like Trusted Reviews stated "The future looks bleak".
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